HomeSegun Adebayo


Perform disposable side-effects when an element's node is connected.

  • #react
import { useRef, useCallback } from 'react';

export type EffectRef<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement> = (element: E | null) => void;

export type RefCallback<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement> = (element: E) => (() => void) | void;

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
const noop = () => {};

export function useEffectRef<Element extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement>(callback: RefCallback<Element>): EffectRef<Element> {
    const disposeRef = useRef<(() => void)>(noop);

    const effect = useCallback(
        (element: Element | null) => {
            // To ensure every dispose function is called only once.
            disposeRef.current = noop;

            if (element) {
                const dispose = callback(element);

                if (typeof dispose === 'function') {
                    disposeRef.current = dispose;
                // Have an extra type check to work with javascript.
                else if (dispose !== undefined) {
                    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
                    console.warn('Effect ref callback must return undefined or a dispose function');

    return effect;

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Segun Adebayo

Passionate UI engineer looking to bridge the gap between design and code

All rights reserved © Segun Adebayo 2024